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Hey! I'm Yves, 19 years old, and I'm about to complete my apprenticeship as an electrician. In addition to my vocational training,

I've also gained experience in the business world. In 2021, I founded my own clothing brand, but due to the considerable workload,

I decided not to continue it in 2023. During my apprenticeship as an electrician

I've learned a lot about computer science, which has further motivated me to steer my career towards IT.

My next goal is to embark on a supplementary apprenticeship as a computer scientist to further deepen my passion for technology and programming.

About this Website

You might be curious about how I built this website. It's actually really simple. I utilized simple HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript to bring it to life. For JavaScript animations, I opted for GSAP, which, in my experience, is an incredibly potent tool when wielded adeptly.

Feel free to contact me